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March 1, 2006 Minutes
Town of East Windsor
Conservation Commission/                              
Inland Wetland Watercourse Agency            
Town Hall, 11 Rye Street, P.O. Box 389, Broad Brook, CT 06016        Tel:   (860) 623-2302       Fax:  (860) 623-4798

MARCH 1, 2006

I.      CALL TO ORDER - 7:30 p.m
Ms. Kehoe called the meeting to order at 7:30 at the East Windsor Town Hall, 11 Rye Street, Broad Brook.

Present:  Linda Kehoe, Vice Chairman, Michael Ceppetelli, Rene Thibodeau, John Malin, Michael Koczera, Richard Osborn.  
Unable to Attend:  John Sawka and Janice Warren
Also Present:  Nancy Rudek,  Assistant Town Planner, Zoning Enforcement Officer

III.    APPROVAL OF MINUTES – (1/4/06, 2/1/06)
MOTION: To approve the regular meeting minutes of January 4, 2006, as corrected: Page Two, Item A, Six lines down, remove sentence “The design was shifted toward the road more while accomplishing the parking requirement.”  Page Three, Last paragraph before the motion - add sentence, “The public hearing was requested by the applicant due to time constraints.”
                        Made by Mr. Koczera, seconded by Mr. Thibodeau


MOTION: To add two receipt of applications for 115 Scantic and 9 Cemetery Road (East Windsor Academy) and 119  Thrall Road, as well as Miscellaneous Main Street & Highland Avenue and CT. Trolley Museum Status.
                Made by Mr. Osborn, seconded by Mr. Koczera

V.    PUBLIC HEARINGS  (on Inland Wetland applications)

 A.  22 Wagner Lane (Wagner Terrace) – Continued public hearing on the application of White  Pine, LLC to conduct regulated activities associated with the development of 12 single family  detached condominiums.  Total parcel is 20.34 acres, served by public water and sewer.          (35-day deadline to close hearing ends 3/8/06)

MOTION: To reopen the public hearing.
                Made by Mr. Koczera, seconded by Mr. Osborn

Mark Barbieri,  representing the applicant, who was also present and Dave Erlandson, were present and provided input to the Commission.  Five more test pits were done throughout the site and they were consistent throughout.  All areas, including the deep ones, had the same depth to seasonal high water table.  No design revisions in that area as they found what they expected to find.   They outlined the items discussed at the latest PZC meeting – the maintenance area for the plunge pool on the neighbor’s property will be performed bi-annually after the first year – the first year it will be done monthly.  It will also be inspected after any major storm event.   The neighbors are satisfied with this.

At the river during the construction phase there will be temporary stock piles, the Commission wanted to know what was to be done with this.  Some will be used for the berm, and the temporary stock pile is only expected to be there a couple days.  It can be removed if the Commission so choses.  Growth in the scour hole is healthy, except substantial trees, but they do not expect to remove growth from that.

A channel encroachment permit will be sought from the DEP after Town approvals.  

MOTION: To close the public hearing at 7:50 p.m.
                Made by Mr. Osborn, seconded by Ms. Kehoe

MOTION: To approve the application for 22 Wagner Lane
                Made by Mr. Osborn, seconded by Mr. Koczera


      *  Inland Wetland Permit to Conduct Regulated Uses             
    A.  35 Rolocut Road – Continued application of Charles and Patricia Donahue to conduct
         regulated activities associated with the construction of a single family residential home and  driveway.  Total parcel is 2.17 acres, served by private well and septic system.
                  (65-day application period ends 4/7/06)

Tim Coons of JR Russo and Associates came before the Commission.  This is an existing lot of record and the property location was outlined   It is a wooded lot and the wetland delineation was done by Mr. Gragnolati as set forth in his letter which is on file and delineated on the plans.  There is wetland due to drainage from Rolocut Road and a blocked culvert.  This will be a single family with well and septic on the highest portion.  Access to the lot is from Rolocut Road, so there is a wetland crossing.  There is a 4900 square foot disturbance, cross culvert under the driveway to allow for continued flow.  The driveway grade will require fill due to the 12 inch culvert.   Mr. Coons outlined they prefer not to propose less than 12” to avoid clogging and they also did not want to create a pooling situation, but a pipe to drain.  The idea of creating a dam on the property was a large concern and its effects on abutting property owners.  The culvert is at the absolute lowest point – it was proposed to add two more culverts evenly spaced to allay concerns, the second will be higher and act as overflow.  The Commission wants to see spot grades and would entertain one more culvert, which they would like to see at grade, but it will be helpful to have spot grade information.

The Town Engineer comments were discussed.   The house is in the current location due to the septic.  Extensive discussion ensued regarding a conservation easement for the drainage.  Also the possible effect of the wetland if a sewer were to come through the area was discussed.  

MOTION: To continue this application to the April Meeting.
                Made by Mr. Koczera, seconded by Mr. Thibodeau.

            B.  11 Rolocut Road – Continued application of Mangiafico Builders, LLC, to conduct regulated activities associated with the construction of a single family residential house.  Total parcel is 2.96 acres, served by private well and septic system.  Total wetland disturbance is 0.05
 acres.     (65-day application period ends 4/7/06)

         C.  19  Rolocut Road – Continued application of Mangiafico Builders, LLC, to conduct           
               regulated activities associated with the construction of a single family residential house.  
               Total parcel is 2.28 acres, served by private well and septic system.  
               (65-day application period ends 4/7/06)

A letter was submitted withdrawing the application for 11 and 19 Rolocut.  These  will be resubmitted when the new maps are ready.

MOTION: To accept withdrawal of the applications for 11 Rolocut and 19 Rolocut.
                Made by Mr. Osborn, seconded by Mr. Malin
The applicant had requested the fees submitted be applied to a future application. Discussion between the members was held on how applicants should be prepared before they file.

MOTION: To allow the applicant to apply fees paid to the new application.
                Made by Mr. Osborn, seconded by Mr. Koczera
VOTE:   In favor:  Linda Kehoe, Vice Chairman,  Rene Thibodeau, John Malin, Michael Koczera, Richard Osborn
        Opposed:        Michael Ceppetelli

          D.  41 East Road – Continued application of Sonia Guzie to conduct regulated activities
               associated with a 2-lot subdivision with the construction of one single family residential
               house.  Total parcel is 12.8 ±  acres, served by private well and septic system.  
               (65-day application period ends 4/7/06)

Mark Kement came before the Commission to discuss the activity associated with the two lot subdivision.  Lot one is 1.15 acres and will retain the existing dwelling and Lot Two is the new lot, 11.65 acres, 5 acres in upland, access off East Road using the driveway  to minimize disturbance.  Michael Gragnolati delineated the wetlands and provided findings in a letter.  A portion of the driveway is in the regulated area and the house and septic slightly encroach.  Test pits were done throughout the site and the best location found.  North Central letter approving was provided.  Town Engineer comments were addressed.  The house location was picked due to the view.  Nothing is in the flood plane.  

The Commission discussed the property lines as well as possible conservation easements.  The applicants came before the Commission to express their concerns with a conservation easement and its restrictions, as they do not want restrictive use of their property.  Mr. Gragnolati’s letter addresses the TE issue, which was removed with gravel excavation previously. The Broad Brook Angling Club uses the stream with permission of the property owner, they have no ownership of use of the area.   The idea of a land trust, in lieu of a conservation easement was discussed.  This might solve the concern for use of future owner, as it will remain in the family.  Wetland postings will be done at the wetland line, similar to conservation easement postings.  

MOTION: To approve the application for 41 East Road, with the condition that the wetland markers will be placed, consistent with the procedure currently done for conservation easement markings.
                Made by Mr. Ceppetelli, seconded by Mr. Koczera
In favor: Michael Ceppetelli, Rene Thibodeau, John Malin, Michael Koczera, Richard Osborn
                Opposed:        Linda Kehoe

         E.  250 Main Street – Continued application of Two Fifty Main EW LLC, to conduct regulated  activities associated with the construction of a 4,630 s.f. warehouse addition to an industrial  building.  Total parcel is 3.05 acres, served by public water and septic system.  
                    (65-day application period ends 4/7/06)

Tim Coons of JR. Russo and Associates came before the Commission to present plans and delineate the wetlands.  The wetlands were flatted by Michael Gragnolati and a letter submitted.  This is a 4600 square foot addition to the warehouse and loading dock, proposed driveway for passenger vehicle access.  A guard rail was put in to protect the top of the slope.  The 3 foot retaining wall, existing and proposed drainage were outlined.  Extensive discussion as to the history of the TE slopes on the property and the 1985 work when the brook was relocated and the slopes filled..  A cross section of the slopes area was provided, as well as photographs outlining there are no longer TE slopes on this property.  Based on observation the area is stable, they are not doing anything in that area. It was felt to remove the old fence would provide more disturbance to the area.  The clearing would be done up to the tree line.  Native vegetation at the top of the slope would deter dumping.  The driveway is necessary for access.

MOTION: To approve the application for 250 Main Street.
                Made by Mr. Koczera, seconded by Mr. Osborn.

  * Permitted Use As Of Right

 A.  115 Scantic & 9 Cemetery Road (East Windsor Academy) – Application of the East Windsor  Historical Society, Inc. and Beverly Tyler, request for Permitted Use As Of Right for parking lot  and drainage improvements in combination with the expansion of an existing farm pond on adjacent property of Tyler.  Total parcel is 0.61 & 47.8 acres, served by private well and public  sewer.  

Tim Coons of J.R. Russo and Associates came before the Commission and discussed the history of the drainage issues with these two properties.  Through donation the Society has means to fix the issue and make for a better parking area.  The pipe will drain through the tyler property to the farm pond.  Mr. Tyler wishes to expand the farm pond, the outlets for spillway will be rebuilt.  the current run off of the farm pond was discussed, as well as drainage on the site.  the regulations for building a pond and other concerns were expressed and how much water it entails.

MOTION: To rule this is a permitted use as of right.
                Made by Mr. Koczera, seconded by Mr. Ceppetelli
VOTE:   In favor: Linda Kehoe, Michael Ceppetelli, Rene Thibodeau, John Malin, Michael Koczera
                Opposed:        Richard Osborn.

 * Inland Wetland Permit To Conduct Regulated Uses

  A.  119 Thrall Road – Application of Benoit Cloutier to conduct regulated activities associated with  the construction of a detached 24 x 48 garage.  Total parcel is .80 acres, served by private well  and septic system.   

MOTION: To accept receipt of application for119 Thrall Road
                Made by Mr. Koczera, seconded by Mr. Osborn.

*  Jurisdictional Ruling  (determination of permit needed)    
*   Inland Wetland Permit to Conduct Regulated Uses   
        A.  DVD – Municipal Inland Wetland Commissioners Training Program
The Commission will view this and discussed distribution of the DVD’s.

B. Main Street & Highland Avenue (Sambre Village) – Comments/Feedback from Commission  members.

This was briefly discussed, wetland mitigation needs to be done to improve the area.  The dam was discussed and concerns if it breaks where the water might go.

IX.    AGENT DECISIONS                                                  
X.     VIOLATIONS (for action or show-cause hearing)                   

A.      CT Trolley Museum – Wood carving activities.
Ms. Rudek outlined the letter sent in follow up.  Engineering students from UConn are to work on plans.  Ms. Rudek was told the wood carving operation would be moved, no response to letters.  Next step is to follow up with enforcement.


MOTION: To adjourn at 10:00 p.m.
                Made by Mr. Osborn, seconded by Mr. Ceppetelli.

Respectfully submitted

Cynthia D. Croxford
Recording Secretary